.For more than 20 years, New Beginnings has taken the transforming message of the gospel to the homeless and addicted. We’ve learned that these are not bad people: they’re good people who made bad choices, and many of them are ready to turn their lives around. But they need help. They need your help.
In March of 2021, New Beginnings secured a 45-acre property called Camp Cedar Knoll in Millville, NJ. It has now become a place of recovery and restoration for society’s most broken individuals.
Camp Cedar Knoll is a long term program that offers addiction support services that helps get the most vulnerable off the streets. Counseling, vocational training, family reconciliation and more take place during the 12-month term, in conjunction with recreational and wilderness therapy. Swimming, boating, fishing, basketball, tennis, volleyball and miniature golf are all activities residents will enjoy on our 45-acre campground as they learn to be productive members of society. It’s incredible to watch our residents grow spiritually, build character and job skills, and discover God’s will for their lives!
Statistics of homelessness and drug and alcohol addiction in America are deeply concerning, but with your help New Beginnings will take on the challenge of impacting the homeless community nationwide through our From the Streets to Success Project.
Help us raise $500,000 so that we can transition 100 men and women off the streets and into our recovery program at Camp Cedar Knoll. It takes about $5,000 to enroll 1 person for 1 year.
Your donation today can help save lives.
There are people sleeping on the streets right now, exposed to the elements, dying in bondage to drug and alcohol addiction. Something has to be done. We cannot allow this to continue – not when we have the means to see lives changed by the power of God!
You can help right now. Your very best gift will help us change lives. Whether you feel led to give a one-time donation of $100 or $1,000, or a monthly donation of $30 or $400 dollars, you will be playing a part in helping men and women break the cycle of homelessness and addiction. Donations made online are secure and tax deductible. Click here to give.
Thank you for having the compassion of Jesus and giving someone the chance for a better life.
Has God put it on your heart to fully sponsor an individual or to make a sizable donation to Camp Cedar Knoll?
We are honored to receive your gift on behalf of the less fortunate. You may make your generous donation online here, or mail your check to 1300 Princess Ave., Camden, NJ 08103.
Interested in learning more about New Beginnings and Camp Cedar Knoll, please call us at (866)-863-9968.